Chord Study 3 - Dominant, Major and Minor 7th

Dominant 7th Chord
A dominant 7th chord is indicated by writing number 7 after the root note: A7, G7, D7 and etc. It is formed by lowering the 7th note of the scale by one fret in major chord or simply moving the 8th note two frets lower.

The 3rd chord box is another form of E7. It shows how the note D is added to the major chord. Thus, D is the dominant 7th note of the E major scale.

Major 7th Chord
This chord is formed by adding the 7th note of the scale to the major chord or lowering the 8th note by one fret. This is indicated by putting M7 after the key.

Minor 7th Chord
This is a minor chord where the 8th note of the scale is lowered by two frets. It is also done byadding the 7th note to the minor chord.

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